mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Lots of little tidbits

The beginning of the year events aren't quite over yet.  And there are some important dates to pay attention to.  Here is a list to keep in mind:
1) September 24: Magazine sale ends
2) September 29: the first deadline for Hot Lunch ordering.  Check the yellow sheet in your child's planner for details.
3) September 30: Scholastic orders due (beforehand is fine!) The flyers came home today.  :)
4) September 30: Terry Fox Run in the afternoon.  Please remember to send good running attire to school that day!
5) October 5: Picture day.  There are two dates marked, but our class sees the photographer Monday.  Yes, I know.  Monday.  I have to set my alarm too!  I usually forget the morning of...which means I get a candid!

Today we started thinking about our class mission statement and made a personal plan of how we were going to do one part of it.  At the end of the day, we each reflected on how well we did.  The yellow post-it note should be in your child's agenda and is a great discussion starter!  We'll be paying regular attention to our mission statement and that will form one aspect of the goals we set throughout the year.

Mathletics passwords are coming out soon, along with yearbook notices.  Keep an eye out for them in agendas :)  

I haven't take the time to mention how much I enjoyed visiting with all of you who were able to come out to our Meet the Teacher Barbecue last week.  Thanks for taking the time to fit that into your schedule and for those of you I haven't met yet, feel free to stop by to say hi or set up a time when you're sure to catch me.  It is always such a pleasure to see you all :)

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