jeudi 10 septembre 2015

And if there is no wind...

Note to self: order wind on the day you make weathervanes next year!  Yes we made these great "girouettes" but of course today was a nice, warm, CALM day so we didn't have a lot of success using them.  It's okay because we will soon have lots of weather instruments to use and we'll be collecting data over a period of time so we'll be using them again :)

Just a friendly reminder to finish up getting all those forms in.  Most are in, there are just a few who still need to be taken care of.  Thanks so much.

We had a big sharing circle today about speaking French in the classroom today.  I am happy to report that each student expressed that either they enjoy speaking French, they feel proud to be able to speak two languages or they are think it is a great idea.  Where we start to have problems is in the choices we make in the classroom to actually speak it continually.  Of course some are making more of an effort than others and those have a positive effect on those around them in encouraging others to do so.  There is, however, not even one person that speaks solely French throughout the day.  We are presently in the reflection stage of this challenge, but the long and the short of it is that in French Immersion we speak French in class.  Please do speak to your son or daughter about this to encourage them in their learning journey.  And we'll continue to work on a solution here that is meaningful and motivating.  The more we speak French, the more we encourage others to speak French and the easier those French vocabulary words come back (or grow).

Other things on the reminder list: cushions, ClassDojo, ongoing presentations, checking agendas :)

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