dimanche 25 octobre 2015

The advantages of conference-going

This last weekend I was at ACPI2015, the conference for French Immersion teachers.  It is always inspiring, and this year was no exception.  Perhaps one of the most exciting things that I took away was actually a great answer to many of our conversations last week during parent-teacher interviews.  Yes, we know it is a great idea to be reading in French, but where do we find books?

Well, to my great delight, one of my sessions introduced me to La bibliothèque des amériques...a veritable resource for all French readers!  It is an online library of digital books put together by the Centre de la francophonie.  Books can be borrowed up to 21 days and taken out again when the time is up if there is no one waiting to read that book.   It is free and while you do need to download the appropriate apps to be able to read the books, it is fairly simple to do and can be accessed on pretty much any device you would wish to use.  I've spent some time browsing and there is a broad collection from adult to children's books in a large variety of categories.  Personally speaking, I am thrilled to have access to such a range of books...now I just need the time to read!!

So check out this possibility!  It really is a great opportunity to find some of those great Francophone books!

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